“The Battle of Leyte Gulf” focuses on the Battle of Leyte, the legendary conflict between the American Fleet and the Japanese Imperial Navy which marked the decisive culmination of the war in the Pacific during the Second World War. The screenplay (dedicated to Cecil B. DeMille, John Ford, June Allyson, Charlton Heston, Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper, Maureen O’Hara, James Stewart, King Vidor, John Wayne and in memory of General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz), based on real events, tells the story of commanders and soldiers who used their instincts, their fortitude and their courage to overcome adversity. It is a story of fraternity and camaraderie and the determination and sacrifice that ensured the Americans victory.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Bataan, the American fleet and army face the battles of the Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan and Leyte. The American army, air force, and fleet could count on a great advantage linked to the fact that their intelligence activities and the collective desire for victory were definitely underestimated by the enemies. “The Battle of LeyteGulf” takes the reader right to the heart of the complex decision-making machine of the American tactical command and drags him into a landing transport with the Marines, in the cockpit of a bomber, on the command bridge of an aircraft carrier for live the most shocking story from within cinematic of the most important land, air and naval battle in the history of the United States.
The author of “The Battle of Leyte Gulf”, Gino Salvi, as a screenwriter, has written works ranging from the musical "At first glance" to the swashbuckler of "The Black Rose", to the gothic and werewolf horror of "Immortal legend", the noir "on the road" of "At gunpoint", the hyper-classic western of "The cattle Queen of Texas", the thriller of "The Morgan case", the romantic drama of "Sandor the Magnificent" and to still many other screenplays. In addition to the grandeur and magnificence that characterize all the stories told in the screenplays, these works are characterized by themes of strong emotional impact, by the depth of their characters and by the power of hope. “The Battle of Leyte Gulf” continues the proud tradition of the great classic Hollywood cinema: it is a project born from a passion for Cinema and History. Gino Salvi's goal is to tell the historical moment in a screenplay that engages the audience, enveloping it completely: an epic war screenplay, an action screenplay full of rhythm where the stakes cannot be higher: Victory, the Victory of Freedom . Gino Salvi says “In looking at how to tell the story, I came fairly early on to the idea of showing events from the land, sea and air: seeing the action from the perspectives of the men on the beach, the people transporting on the boats, and the pilots trying to protect them from above. Each of those storylines — one on land, one at sea and one in the air — had different temporal characteristics, so in braiding them together editorially, I had to plot them out very carefully. Intertwining these stories leads you through the events and allows you to understand the journey each of the characters is on, while always trying to suggest that there are many other unseen journeys. ”
" I am thrilled to tell this story, because today's young people do not always know stories of those who fought for their freedom ", continues Gino Salvi. " I think that without the Americans generation that fought in the Second World War, our world would be very different. It was a dramatic event and several people lost their lives, but died for a purpose. There has been a real struggle to preserve democracy and for freedom in the world. Today we sometimes forget about these things, but movies can help us celebrate them in memory. I wanted to honor that battle and those who sacrificed so much”.
The battle of Leyte Gulf is one of the most fascinating events of the Second World War and this screenplay offers, for the first time, a cinematic perspective of the crucial land, air and naval battle of Leyte Gulf to tell everyone. The screenplay follows five narrative lines, which describe five intersecting points of view. One focuses on pilots aboard aircraft carriers. A second narrative centers on the Navy officers. The third follows the Marines who landed at Leyte. The fourth focuses on the difficult work of General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. The fifth focuses on Japanese officers.
What happened to Leyte is one of the most important stories of humanity. It was an extraordinarily suspenseful situation. Gino Salvi's idea was to catapult the audience into this suspense with absolute respect for history but of course also with strong intensity and with the idea of entertainment.
Gino Salvi has always been fascinated by military stories, since he was a child, especially the Second World War and the Pacific War. The Battle of Leyte Gulf is one of the most exciting events in history. Gino Salvi wanted to tell that story in a screenplay, therefore in a way never done before. Gino Salvi wanted to tell the stories of those men who risked and sacrificed their lives to fight in this incredible land, air and naval battle.
"The Battle of Leyte Gulf" is firmly based on historical facts. However, However, it must be achieved a tricky balance between entertainment and historical accuracy. Therefore, the best way to approach the story is to use fictional characters inspired by historical elements. The screenplay places well-known historical figures alongside fictional characters, whose events are, however, enriched with historical meaning and do not remain merely anecdotal. It is a choice to make the screenplay really effective, to see the battle more compelling and completely, both from a historical and a human point of view. Because "The Battle of Leyte Gulf" is a spectacular screenplay but it also wants to be a deeply human story. It wants to involve the public in the story so that they experience the same events and emotions as the characters, whether they are soldiers on the beach, pilots in the sky or sailors on boats.
In the screenplay every single historical aspect (for example, a battleship or an aircraft carrier) is rendered as accurately as possible. Everything that happens in the screenplay, in terms of historical events, is real and, barring a few flashbacks, in chronological order. The story begins in 1941 and ends with the Battle of Leyte Gulf. These are some of the most dramatic years in the history of war. The screenplay tells a compelling story about a historic battle.
This is a screenplay for a film set in the 1940s and so everything must contribute to historical fidelity. The details described in the screenplay, such as those regarding the air bases, the pilot boards of the aircraft carriers, the warplanes, the weapons, are precise. Attention to detail is also there for clothes, uniforms and music. Especially, the music has to mix military marches with a symphonic musical structure in the great Hollywood tradition.
In summary, the themes of the screenplay are: loyalty, brotherhood, sacrifice and courage. These are all elements that transcend generations.
This screenplay aims to highlight the enormous extent of the devastation of the battles, and, at the same time, reveal the human stories behind it all.
The author, Gino Salvi, would like those who read his screenplay to see it, images and sounds, as if they were already at the cinema, as if it were already a ready movie. The screenplay is meant to become a film on the widescreen. In fact, a note from the screenplay prescribes the use of IMAX technology, at 70mm and Technicolor’s three color process.
is important because it tells true stories of true heroes, of men
whose heroic deeds must never be forgotten. This screenplay
wants to honor an immense generation and pass this piece of history
to subsequent generations. "The Battle of Leyte Gulf"
will take the audience back in time. But this story has a great deal
of relevance even today for sacrifice in the name of a greater good.
Everyone was asked for something bigger than them. It is a lesson for
all of us on solidarity. These were simpler times, but it was also a
time when you had to put your life in danger for ideals. This
screenplayis a tribute to the actions of people who served during World War II,
but it is also to the people who continue to risk their lives to
defend democracy and freedom. It takes us back to a time when there
was a sense of patriotism and unity, a true sharing of common values.
It shows us that together we can achieve something extraordinary even
if faced with impossible circumstances.
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